We Help Christians Find Impactful Careers

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We Help Christians Find Impactful Careers

Get the step-by-step guide to finding the career God is calling you toward.

Based on Scripture, years of experience, and research from Christian experts from Oxford and MIT.

As a non-profit, all our resources are free.

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Listen to JD’s story and why Christians for Impact exists.

Careers are long, 80,000 hours long…

Your career choice might be the most important resource God has given you for living a meaningful and impactful life.

There’s surprisingly little research on how to have an impactful career that advances God’s Kingdom.

That’s where we come in.

We are a non-profit with over 5 years of experience advising Christians on how to have an impactful & meaningful career.

Download our career guide to get started.

We’ve helped hundreds of Christians with their careers

Use your career to tackle a problem close to God’s heart.

Hundreds of millions of people have never heard the news of the hope and love of God found in Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Many more are underserved with regard to access to scripture and pastoral care.

God condemns economic injustice and wants us to help those living in poverty.

There are over 2,000 Bible verses about poverty.

Working to reduce global poverty and treat preventable diseases follows God’s care for the poor and for their suffering. 

Hundreds of thousands of people die every year from preventable diseases.

The Bible has a focus on caring for the sick (Matt 25:39). And there are are many evidence-based ways to help.

There are many non-polarizing neglected problems in the world we can tackle through effective policy work. This can be a highly-leveraged way to spread justice and kindness (Micah 6:8).

Climate change is among the most disruptive problems to the environment and to the global poor. Many Christians feel called to be stewards of the earth (Gen 2:15) and agents of renewal toward a more sustainable world.

God gave humans animals to eat for food (Gen 9:3) but also commanded stewardship and kind treatment (Deut 25;4, Proverbs 12:10). Nonetheless, billions of animals suffer and die every year in horrendous and preventable mistreatment.

A single novel pandemic can cause tens of millions of deaths but experts warn future pandemics could be much, much worse. Christians in this space can save lives and prevent injustice from human-engineered pandemics.

Risks from of nuclear weapons are at the highest levels seen in the last seventy years. A nuclear exchange could partially or completely annihilate vast swaths of God’s creation, including billions of people.

God wants us to advance His Kingdom by helping others

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
— 1 John 3:18

Our interactive guide and all of our content help you to:

  1. Cultivate Christ-like values

  2. Discern the most pressing problems God is calling you to tackle

  3. Identify maximum-impact solutions

  4. Discover high-impact roles for you and your God-given resources

  5. Develop a plan to build the skills and experience to live out your calling

We turn to Scripture, our experience, and research to help you build a meaningful career.

Unsure where to start? Work through the 5-steps in our career guide.

Speak with our experts personally

Already worked through our career guide? Looking for more personalized guidance? Apply to speak with us one on one.

Our career mentors help you discern your career options and define next steps.

We only have 20 career mentoring spots available per month. But if you’re ready to discuss your career plans in detail, we encourage you to apply.

Our podcast

We talk to Christian experts about how best to impact pressing global issues.

Our blog

Biblical wisdom and practical guidance for every step of your career journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We offer free research, advice and free 1-on-1 career advising to help you have a maximum impact on pressing global problems.

  • We can help you:

    • Resolve career uncertainties.

    • Discern meaningful, impactful jobs.

    • Compare between options.

    • Discover ways to make a maximum kingdom impact.

    • Embrace radical, Christ-like generosity.

    • Learn about pressing global problems through a biblical evidence-based framework.

    • Meet Christian role models tackling important problems.

    • Make a career plan that honors your unique commitments.

  • Yes. Since we’re a nonprofit charity, our content and advising is 100% free.

  • No. We also include paths to impact that involve working in the private and government sectors.

  • If you are a Christian looking to have an ambitious career with radical impact for God’s kingdom, here’s our primary advice, or read our 10-minute guide.

    1. Don’t follow your passion

    Many of us have heard the advice “just follow your passion.” This can be dangerous, for these reasons:

    • It’s unreliable. Many of the things we want or are passionate change frequently. Just ask yourself: What were you most passionate about five or ten years ago? Is that still what you care most about today? Our hearts can be deceptive, as the prophet Jeremiah says, “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick” (Jeremiah 17:9).

    • It’s impractical. One study suggests that only 3% of students have a passion relevant to career choice. This might be okay for you now, but careers are long - 80,000 hours long (40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 40 years). Following your passion might not be a sustainable path in the long term.

    • It’s not biblical. More often God calls us to what promotes His redemptive purposes. Moses did not have a passion for public speaking when God called him to stand up to Pharaoh. Jonah had no desire to carry out his vocation in Nineveh. God might be calling you to use your talents and gifts in ways that have a large impact for His kingdom.

    2. Plan your career around impact

    The Bible presents careers as tools that we can use to have an impact; that is, a concrete change that conforms with God’s redemptive plans to renew our fallen world.

    We see impactful careers all over scripture. For example,

    • Nehemiah’s place as cupbearer to the King allowed his restoration of the city of Jerusalem.

    • Daniel, Joseph and Moses played instrumental political and governmental roles to defend God’s people and protect their freedom.

    • Paul made tents to fund his evangelism which brought countless people to know and love God and neighbour.

    3. Have a massive impact with radical generosity and focus on the right problems

    You can have a radically impactful career by

    • Working in any job and giving away 10% of your money to effective charities.

    • Pursuing careers that directly tackle a pressing global problem.

    • Helping others to be more impactful.

    We think there are 8 global problems that are especially promising areas for early-career Christians who want to have the greatest kingdom impact. Our list includes global health and poverty, missions, politics and policy, animal cruelty, pandemics, climate change, and nuclear war.

    Planning your career around these problems could enable you to help the greatest number of the poor, the lost, and the vulnerable.

  • Our advice is grounded in biblical truth.

    We adhere to historic orthodoxy as outlined in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.

  • During university, our team felt God was calling us toward careers that radically serve the poor and powerless.

    But we had questions:

    • With so many problems in the world, which one is God calling us to? (Isaiah 6:8)

    • In what jobs can God have the greatest impact through us? Where can we most bring about justice and mercy? (Micah 6:8)

    • How do we balance hearing God’s calling with reason, evidence and science?

    There’s surprisingly little Christian research on this, so we spent years prayerfully considering and studying this, alongside academics at Oxford and Cambridge.

    We built this site to share the best advice and mentorship we received.

    More about us here.

  • We are a registered charity in the US and the UK.

  • We are primarily supported by Christian families in our community who support our mission.

    Read our story here.