Biblical, impactful advice for your career journey

  • Start Here

    An overview of CFI and what we have to offer you

  • Our 10-Minute Guide

    Our top 7 tips and a helpful exercise for a career with maximum kingdom impact

  • Job Profiles

    A comparison an analysis of 18 jobs commonly taken by impact-driven Christians

  • Problem Profiles

    8 of the world’s most pressing problems and how you can impact them.

  • Key Concepts

    The 10 often discussed career concepts from our advising

  • Job Board

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Blog

    Miscellaneous articles

  • What's My Calling? (Coming Late 2025)

    Helping you think through your personal career discernment

Get a consolidated summary of our advice in our interactive career guide