Ed Michaelson: Missions and Planting 500,000 Churches in India


In this episode we speak with Ed Michaelson. Ed lives in London and directs 500k, an organization which supports 800 church planters in rural India. Ed shares his story of why he went from emergency room doctor to non-profit founder, and which missions careers are most effective in furthering God's kingdom.

Some things we touch on in this episode…

  • The value of mission trips

  • Windows of opportunities in global missions

  • Why church planting might be much more effective than bible translation

  • How to plan a career in church planting movements

  • Why you probably shouldn’t become a traditional missionary

Articles, organizations, and other media discussed in this episode

  • Link to Ed’s 500k.

  • Hudson Taylor, a faith missionary to China, played a significant role in inspiring Ed to follow missionary work.

  • Empart is an international development organization empowering and partnering with communities to pro­vide voca­tion­al skills train­ing, relief and devel­op­ment, hygiene edu­ca­tion, and med­ical care.

  • Mission India and New Generations are examples of other church-planting and disciple-making organizations.

  • Accord Network gathers Christian relief and development organizations.

Episode Highlights:

Windows of opportunity in missions

[01:22:47] “I was talking about these windows of opportunity earlier. Let's go with the Great Awakening in the UK and the USA Methodist revival. Loads of people came to faith like God's spirit was working. If I had to choose a time to invest resources in the UK and the USA, I would have done it at that moment in time, because God's spirit was at work. And right now we can see that's what is happening in India as we speak, whereas we weren't seeing that 100 years ago when British missionaries were there and missionaries from other nations.

Need for Christians in this space

[01:03:27] “The amount of need is enormous. I think we're just like scratching the surface of it. So I think we need a lot of people both to pursue high income careers so they can donate to support. We need a lot of people to be having roles more similar to mind and being a part of those organizations, doing that, empowering distributing those funds, helping the strategies on the ground.”

Against Christians becoming missionaries

[01:12:14] “I wouldn't be a big supporter of anyone in today's world being a missionary in the traditional sense, like my heroes evolved Hudson Taylor I wouldn't recommend anyone doing that partly it's just becoming very difficult to a lot of governments won't take Westerners coming in as missionaries like Hudson Taylor did. Secondly, it's incredibly expensive. Thirdly, I think it's people often aren't very effective. They don't know the language, they don't know the culture. All kinds of barriers are there plus the world is a different world to when Hudson Taylor went.”

On the value of learning-trips

[01:27:39] “I would really recommend exposure to traveling and seeing these places. I mean, that's what happened to me, and that can potentially be very, very impactful. That changed the trajectory of my life. And I think it could change the trajectory of other people who are on that place as well. What I would really encourage them to do would be to find an organization which is doing well, what they're passionate about. So if you're passionate about seeing lots of people come to faith and come to know Jesus, I would say come and visit India with 500K in one of our teams. Or do that to one of the other organizations that I've mentioned.”

What it costs to fund 800 church planters in India

[00:12:43] “The budget is more like £900,000, which includes a few extra things, but essentially it's not far off.”

The impact of church planters

[00:12:43] “We've done some number crunching. So these 800 workers, plus another 100, 120 or so who have come off the books and now aren't being funded anymore. They're in aggregate, they have worship meetings happening in 3754 villages. Across those villages there's, there's just over 38,000 people attending those worship meetings. And 14,800 people are at the point where we'd say, this is a baptized church member.”


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