Written by Andy Chrismer
Why focus on this problem?
At the end of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus left his followers with the command "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matt. 28:19-20, NIV). If you read the New Testament, spreading the gospel was arguably the Church’s most fundamental task.
You can bring news of the Gospel to tens of thousands of people in your lifetime. If you earn an average salary in the USA, your tithe can start several indigenous-led churches. If you have the right gifts for direct work, you could do even more good.
What actually are the most impactful ways to faithfully make as many disciples as possible? How can we be good stewards of our limited resources of time, talent, and money? What are the most promising yet most neglected opportunities in global missions?
Below is a summary. Read more in our full report.
Our overall view
Often Recommended
If you believe that evangelism is a major part of the church's mission, we think you should consider working on and/or donating to this issue.
A worship session among believers in a rural village in India. This church was planted by a 27-year-old church planter who was sponsored by 500k.
What is our recommendation based on?
Strong biblical evidence
Explicit commands to proclaim the gospel and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20, 1 Peter 3:15)
The example of the apostles, who regularly proclaimed the gospel message (2 Cor. 5:20, Acts 2:38, and clearly regarded it as being of the utmost importance (Romans 1:16, 1 Cor. 1:17)
Church history
Christians throughout history have regarded proclaiming the Christian message to people who haven't heard it as a high priority.
What are common theological arguments against it being pressing?
Some might argue that if God wants to reach people, he doesn't need missionaries to do it. Perhaps he could reveal himself directly to people in other ways, such as by giving them dreams and visions.
Those who hold to a universalist view of redemption and the afterlife believe that all will ultimately be redeemed and reconciled to God, and thus it's relatively less important (though potentially still valuable) that people have a relationship with God in this life.
Top Ways to Make an Impact
Using your career to support the operations of effective missions organization (more in our full report).
Pursue any meaningful career and donate at least 10% of your income to effective missions charities.