Katie Fantaguzzi: Why Deworming is Crucial for Millions of Children


In this episode, we speak with Katie Fantaguzzi. Katie lives in Texas and transitioned from work in private healthcare consulting to measurement and evaluation for global health nonprofits. She is now a senior advisor at the SCI Foundation (update: SCI was recently rebranded as Unlimit Health), which treats millions of people suffering from parasitic worm infections.

Some things we touch on in this episode…

  • Does a data-driven approach conflict with a faith-driven approach in doing good?

  • How SCI Foundation administered 1 billion deworming treatments.

  • How bad parasitic worms are and how deworming works.

  • Why deworming is so effective and how it will change in the future.

  • Being motivated in private sector jobs vs. nonprofit jobs.

  • Whether Christians should work in Christian vs. secular charities.

  • Living with the monastic community of St. Anselm in London.

Articles, organizations, and other media discussed in this episode

Episode Highlights:

Does data conflict with faith?

[01:02:46] “I don't see them as directly in conflict with each other. I see it as a way that we can calibrate what we're doing in real-time to make sure that we're having a positive impact. Right. If we're not measuring it, then we can act in the world and have no idea whether we're doing something well or not well, like people who are careless with their speech. Are you hurting other people's feelings? Are you considering it from another point of view? And to me, Data is asking that question. Am I looking at this from another viewpoint? Am I considering all of the things that could be playing a role in this so that I can make sure that I'm acting wisely in a way?”

The Community of St. Anselm in London

[01:07:10]“It was a fantastic experience. It was a limited one year kind of thing, and it's still ongoing for people who are based in the UK. I'm also aware that they're starting one in the US that calls the City at the Crossing, New York City there, and are lots of other communities that are kind of I think it seems like there's a movement towards monasticism a little bit [...] I was doing what I do now when I did that experience, but it didn't make me change my job or anything like that. But I think that it, for me at least, solidified this feeling that I had that what I think matters is what I should spend my time doing.”

How parasitic worms (specifically Schistosimiasis) harms people

[00:08:05] “So when a person is infected with schistosomiasis, there's a burden that's associated with it. It's not just a single worm that causes problems. It's that you kind of get a build up of worms, and they mate and they release eggs. And the eggs that are floating around your body cause morbidity or disease. They can do lots of different things depending on where the eggs are being released and kind of which type it is. But some of the things I think that are more severe are that it can make people more prone to HIV. It can cause infertility. It can cause organ damage, can even cause, I believe, cancer and anemia. It can affect the way that children's minds are developing.”

Why deworming is especially effective

[00:13:57]“Specifically, I think deworming is a really interesting intervention because it relies on sort of interrelated organizations working together in concert, and I think it's a really great success story about public private partnerships and how those can be maximized to do some real world good. So one of the reasons why deworming is so cost effective is because the drugs are donated by pharmaceutical companies, and the donation program is organized by the WHO so that countries can apply to the WHO for drugs. The drug companies make them available, and then they're shipped to the countries.”

Giving tools besides GiveWell?

[01:17:14]“I don't know what those tools would be, very honestly, because I think you're right. I think we come back to you. You're trying to compare disparate things, things that are not similar. We've kind of acknowledged that there really isn't a gold standard for comparing them. We have some tools for comparing them, but not fantastic ones. And so how do people who don't spend every day focusing on these areas kind of suss it out and figure out what's best to do? And unfortunately, I think that it is kind of a little bit of a crapshoot and it's very hard to figure out where your investment, where your donation can do the most good.”


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