Lent, Repentance, And Making An Impact as Christians

two hands holding a cross

This article explores how Lent and repentance can inspire us to make a meaningful impact through reflection, charity, and service.

We’ll explore the deeper meaning of Lent, the link between repentance and Lent, and how personal change can help us make a difference in the world.

You’ll also find 9 practical steps to make a positive impact during Lent, including activities like:

✅ Fasting from material things and distractions

✅ Reducing your carbon footprint

✅ Joining or starting a giving pledge

In this day and age, fasting and reducing our consumption can be often more challenging than it sounds. With social media being flooded with hauls and shopping videos, overconsumption is virtually everywhere.

However, with a bit of encouragement, some real-life examples, and reliable resources, your efforts can bring about a change for the better.

What Is Lent? Definition, Meaning

Lent is the 40-day period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual preparation leading up to Easter. It aims to help us feel closer to God by examining our lives, practicing self-discipline, and focusing on prayer, fasting, and acts of charity.

Essentially, it’s about realigning ourselves with our faith, letting go of all distractions, and preparing for the celebration of Easter.

In a way, you can think of Lent as a “spiritual reset.”

When does Lent start in 2025? Wednesday, the 5th of March, 2025. 

When does Lent end this year? Thursday, the 17th of April, 2025

What is the purpose of Lent?

It’s quite simple: to grow spiritually by drawing closer to God. It’s a time to reflect on our lives and make meaningful changes.

Through prayer, fasting, and acts of generosity, we seek to become more Christ-like.

Then what does the start of Lent symbolize?

The beginning of Lent, marked by Ash Wednesday, symbolizes repentance and reminds us of human mortality. 

“By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19)

What’s the message of the beginning of Lent?

The main point is us returning to God. The more complex answer tells us that Lent represents the call to repentance, urging us to examine our thoughts and actions, acknowledge our shortcomings, and seek renewal.

Self-examination and repentance

During the season of Lent, we as Christians are called to look inward and examine our thoughts, behaviors, and habits, and identify any areas where we have fallen short.

Think of repentance as more than just regret. See it as a call for transformation. Confess your sins, acknowledge past struggles, and use your hardships as stepping stones for your growth.

Through prayer, Scripture reading, and introspection, work through obstacles and realign with God's purpose. Use this time of reflection to intentionally move forward on the path that God has set out for you.

Fasting and discipline

Fasting is one of the most well-known practices of Lent. Traditionally, this means abstaining from certain foods, such as meat or sweets. Nowadays, it can also mean giving up material things, social media or excessive entertainment.

Beyond physical fasting, this stage is about spiritual discipline, removing distractions and making space for God in your life.

By giving up something we normally enjoy, we create an opportunity to deepen our dependence on God. For example, instead of endlessly scrolling on social media, you’ll be able to spend more time in prayer.

The key ingredient here is discipline. This includes practicing patience, controlling negative emotions, and being more intentional about kindness and gratitude.

Through fasting and discipline, we can train our hearts and minds to focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God.

Acts of generosity and charity

During Lent, we are encouraged to give generously, whether that means donating to charity, volunteering at a shelter, or simply offering time and attention to someone in need. This practice reminds us that our faith should not be self-centered but others-focused, just as Jesus constantly served those around Him.

Learn more about effective altruism and see what are the best ways to help those around you while strengthening your relationship with God.

Preparation for Easter

Of course, as Lent progresses, the focus shifts from personal sacrifice and repentance to anticipation and hope. During this time, we reflect deeply on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday, in particular, is a solemn day that commemorates His crucifixion and the weight of His sacrifice for humanity’s sins.

By the time Easter arrives, those who have fully engaged in the Lenten journey are spiritually prepared to embrace the joy of the resurrection with a renewed heart and a strong commitment to live out Christ’s love every day.

people walking uphill towards a cross

The Link Between Lent and Repentance

How does repentance fit into Lent?

Repentance is at the core of Lent. It’s about acknowledging where we’ve fallen short and, instead of dwelling on guilt, it’s about seeking forgiveness and driving positive change in our own lives but also impacting the world and those around us.

How can Repentance Lead to Positive Change in the World?

When individuals commit to repentance and spiritual growth, it naturally leads to outward change.

Let’s take this simple but clear example. Think back to when you were a child. Maybe you broke something precious and hid the pieces. You probably feared the consequences, so you kept quiet, pretending it never happened.

But Scripture tells us another story. That, in fact, confession doesn’t lead to condemnation but to freedom.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (John 1:9)

Now, as an adult, you might realize you might have done the same thing in other areas of your life. How many times have you tried to hide a mistake, hoping it’d stay buried? How often have you carried the weight of your guilt, afraid of what would happen if you brought up the truth?

The lesson here is that, if we become more compassionate and forgiving, it will have a positive impact on our lives, our families, communities, and beyond. Imagine a world where more people prioritized love, justice, and service. I bet it would be a radically different place.

And repentance can help us all achieve that, which is why it is a fundamental pillar of Lent.

person praying in a field

What are Some Practical Ways to Make a Positive Impact During Lent?

Here’s a set of 9 practical Lent ideas aligned with Christians for Impact’s focus on high-impact service, giving, and faith-driven action. These are grouped under the three key virtues of Lent:

Prayer: Strengthening our relationship with God

  • Pray for the world’s most pressing issues

Use Christians for Impact’s Problem Profiles as a prayer guide. Commit to praying for one issue (e.g., global poverty, climate issues, pandemics) each week of Lent.

  • Fast from distractions & make time for Scripture on justice

Read and reflect on biblical passages about justice, generosity, and serving the poor (e.g., Isaiah 58, Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 25:31-46).

  • Pray for missionaries & persecuted Christians

Support indigenous missions organizations by praying for their work in hard-to-reach areas. Check Christians for Impact’s Missions resources for more ideas.

Fasting: Practicing self-discipline and removing distractions

  • Fast from luxury spending & donate the savings

Give up on one cup of coffee, a meal out, or unnecessary purchases, then donate the equivalent amount to an effective charity (e.g., GiveDirectly, Village Enterprise).

  • Reduce your carbon footprint for creation care

Try meat-free Fridays, and try to cut energy consumption as an act of stewardship. Consider donating to impactful climate organizations.

  • Fast from news overload & engage in productive action

Instead of doomscrolling, research issues that are affecting our planet and the global population, and take the first step (e.g., advocate for better policies, support a relevant nonprofit).

Almsgiving: Serving others through acts of charity and altruism

  • Donate to high-impact charities

Consider donating to organizations like New Incentives (child vaccinations), Evidence Action (safe water), or GiveWell’s top charities for effective giving.

  • Join or start a giving pledge

Take the Giving What We Can pledge by donating 10% of your income, or commit to regular giving during Lent to multiply your impact beyond the season.

  • Use your skills for good

Offer professional services to nonprofits, mentor someone, or volunteer remotely for a cause aligned with Christians for Impact’s problem areas. Find out more about:

How can acts of charity and service enhance the meaning of Lent?

Acts of service make Lent tangible. It’s not just about personal reflection; it’s about putting faith into action. When we help others, we embody Christ’s love, preparing our hearts to embrace the resurrection and the message of growing through repentance.

Can small personal changes during Lent lead to a lasting impact?

Of course, small, consistent changes like being more patient, forgiving, or generous build lifelong habits. Lent isn’t about temporary sacrifices. It’s about transformation that lasts and has a significant impact on the world.

We pray you have a transformative Lenten journey!


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