Careers in Climate Change: Degrees, Jobs, and Making an Impact as Christians

image suggestion of planet Earth disintegrating

In this article, we’ll be exploring careers in climate change.

More specifically, how you can make a living while making a difference in the area of climate change and following the path God has set for you.

Many fellow students of yours and followers of Jesus have been asking us “What jobs help stop climate change?” or “How can I get paid to save the planet?”

Well, today, we’re taking a proactive step by answering some of your questions.

As Christians, we’re called to be stewards of the Earth. Genesis 1:26 says:

“Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’” (Genesis 1:26)

God commands Adam to take care of the Garden. That means we, as Christians, have a responsibility to protect God’s creation:

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15)

Why Work in Climate Change?

First and foremost, why should you consider a career in climate change?

Climate change is affecting everything around us.

While the likelihood of catastrophic outcomes at this moment is relatively small, the potential harm from significant temperature increases is undeniably substantial.

Climate change can destabilize our society, destroy ecosystems, and exacerbate other pressing global threats:

To name a few…

And yes, while it affects every single one of us, the truth is that climate change hits the poor the hardest. Think of floods, droughts, and wildfires. Surviving these and rebuilding a life takes many resources.

As Christians, we’re called to care for the vulnerable. Matthew 25:40 says:

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Besides, climate-focused careers are growing fast. There is demand for people working in renewable energy, clean technology, policy, and conservation.

To help our future generations and take care of His creation, one of our main areas of focus has to be climate change.

silhouettes in the desert

What Careers Help Reduce Climate Change?

What are some of the best careers where you can directly reduce climate change? We’ve picked our top 5 careers for Christians to impact climate change:

1. Environmental Economist

This is for the “numbers” type of people. Environmental economists study how climate change affects things like poverty, health, and business. They help governments and organizations make smart climate policies.

Think of Joseph in the Bible:

When the famine had spread over the whole country, Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe throughout Egypt. And all the world came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere. (Genesis 41:56-57)

And if you want to go the route of careers in climate change research, a Master’s or PhD in Economics or Environmental Policy is the way to go.

For an example Christian environmental economist/ethicists, see Shilpita Matthew’s work here or Dominic Roser work here.

2. Clean Tech Startup Founder

What do we mean by that?

Clean tech startups are companies that develop new technology to fight climate change.

This could be anything from solar panels to repurposing food waste to solutions for air pollution.

To make sure your company is on the right track to success, an MBA could enable you to sharpen your business skills and broaden your network. Besides formal training, you need a vision, a desire for innovation, the right team, and (of course) funding opportunities.

See here for the kinds of clean tech companies you could found or join.

3. Congressional Staffer (Climate Policy)

Now, if you’re into politics and policy, working in government can be a huge way to impact climate change. There are several options in terms of careers in climate change policy.

For instance, you could work as a Congressional Staffer in the U.S. House or Senate, helping shape clean energy laws and environmental policies.

Esther in the Bible was in the right place at the right time and dared to speak up and try to influence the king’s decisions.

“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).

If you’re drawn to policy work, maybe you were placed in this time for a reason!

And the best part? You can get into this with a bachelor’s degree in various fields.

4. Civil Service (Government Work)

Another government job option is working in environmental agencies or climate and energy departments.

These are the people managing energy production, clean air programs, and disaster relief efforts. This generally includes careers in climate change and development.

It’s a hands-on type of work that enables you to directly protect God’s creation at scale

See here for why and how you can work in the civil service to help the environment and gain skills.

5. Nonprofit Entrepreneur

And last but not least, you can create an environmental nonprofit.

Maybe you want to tackle waste, air pollution, or clean water access. You can build from the ground up a charity or ministry that fights for environmental justice.

While you’re not required to have a specific degree, business abilities like negotiation, budgeting, and analytical thinking, plus any professional experience will be useful. Additionally, you have to bring your leadership skills and faith in God.

Read here How to Use Your God-Given Gifts & Talents To Help Others.

silhouette od person finding their way to the backlit cross through the forest

What Degree Do You Need for Climate Change?

It pretty much depends on your career path. Here we’ve gathered some of the best degrees for environmental jobs:

  • Engineering, electrical skills (Perfect for clean tech careers)

  • Economics or Environmental Economics (Good for policy, research and business consulting)

  • Any bachelors (Great for generalist civil service or government work)

  • Public Policy or Political Science (Strong for some law and government work)

  • Business MBA (Great if you want to start a clean tech company)

Not sure which one is right for you? Here are 3 Things You Need to Know When Choosing A Career as a Christian Student and 5 Things to Pray Before Picking Your Degree or Major.

What Are the Future Goals for Climate Change?

Let’s take a look at the big picture for a second.

In 2024, we saw unprecedented global temperatures. The same thing happened the previous year, 2023. 2024 also became the first year with an average temperature exceeding 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level.

The Paris Agreement highlights that surpassing this threshold comes with negative consequences for our climate, making the impacts of climate change even more serious.

What are the world’s future goals for climate change? There are a few key ones, but let’s focus on the top three:

Achieving Net-Zero Emissions

Reaching net zero means balancing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we put into the atmosphere with the amount we take out. The goal is to reach net-zero emissions to stop global warming from getting worse.

However, this isn’t just about cutting emissions. It’s about using clean energy, reforestation, and carbon capture technology to offset the pollution we produce (and it’s a lot!).

Isaiah warns that the Earth is defiled by its people. We’ve polluted the world, but we also have the responsibility to fix it:

The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore a curse devours the earth, and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the earth are scorched, and few men are left. (Isaiah 24:5-6)

Expanding Renewable Energy

If we want to cut carbon emissions, what can we do?

Renewable energy can help us achieve that. The future goal is to move away from fossil fuels like coal and oil and switch to other sources like solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy.

And we’re already seeing it happen in many areas of the globe. The cost of solar panels and wind turbines is dropping, and more countries are pledging to go 100% renewable.

While we’re not exactly where we should be, it’s a nudge for us to do better every day and rethink our behaviors as consumers but also as Christians looking for ways to honor God and His creation.

people collaborating and looking at wind tubines in the wind

Protecting Vulnerable Communities

Even if we cut emissions, climate change is still happening. So another big goal is helping communities adapt to extreme weather.

This means building flood defenses, improving farming techniques, and protecting people from heat waves and rising sea levels.

And this is a justice issue. Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us:

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

That’s why future climate goals go way beyond global warming; it’s about helping those most affected by climate change.

How to Get Involved in Climate Change Right Now

Maybe you’re not ready to make a decision or you might feel like you’re not yet in the right “place” for a career shift, but you still want to help. What can you do right now?

Here are some easy ways to get started today:

Jesus says in Matthew 5:16:

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.”

Even small actions can have a big impact.

And, remember, we offer free 1-on-1 advising for Christian students who want to make a difference through their careers.

Climate Change Career: Conclusion

Should you consider a career in climate change?

I’d say, if you landed on this piece and reached this point, then the answer is yes!

Your efforts in combating climate change are about stewardship, after all. God gave us this Earth, and it’s our job to take care of it.

As a follower of Jesus or even just someone who cares, there is a place for you in the fight against climate change.

And if you’re wondering where to start, pray about it! Ask God how your gifts can serve His creation.

Before you go, feel free to check out the 8 Problem Profiles and learn more about the world’s most pressing issues and what you can do to help.


What To Consider When Exploring Christian Environmental Jobs?


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